Being a: "Humanist craftsman" trying to create plausible bridges between humanistic culture and technical culture. For this reason I feel like I am a craftsman.
In this historical period in which everything seems to change, alter and transform the craftsman of the present projected into a future, where the "already and not yet" is already here, by definition can only be a Humanist by definition.
Knowing in order to know how to do, therefore becomes indispensable to Know and be able to combine the different techniques of art printing with modern communication technologies.
And this is how I become passionate about the ancient art of engraving where THE GESTURE and THE SIGN become distinctive signs of a work that surprisingly reveals itself with each print different and unique in its very becoming a new print.
Starting from the use of the material used from time to time as the engraved support for printing (zinc, aluminum, forex, tetrapak) as matrices of a sign that transforms into a "drawing" where the wax, the color give life to the idea, to your project already and not yet realized. Always unpredictable in its becoming.
GESTURE. Because "Art is in the gesture" says Roland Barthes while THE SIGN
..."that which in addition to offering itself to the senses, gives an indication of something else"... N. Tommaseo , B. Bellini -
(Dictionary of the Italian Language) in its fulfillment is fascinating because it is unpredictable and not programmable.
Because "The brilliant idea is 1% inspiration and 99% sweat" asserts T.A. Edison.
In fact my "path" is made of errors and failures from which to learn... a challenge within a challenge. Learn a technique to try to realize a thought, an idea, an intuition to be able to share in order to share emotions.
Because it is the sharing of emotions, and it is being moved that is what distinguishes us from the “Homo homini lupus”.